Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Movin' On Up!

Well, we did it! We passed our first course in the German language. We still haven't received our "official" scores, but the proctor who gave us the test said we did super. He said that he thought we are almost in the middle of the second course, too! This is a great testimony to our God- he provided us with the ability to have an awesome tutor, good neighbors to talk with, and the ability to learn quickly. So the rest of this week we have a mental break from learning and will start back with the next course, A2, next Monday. Thank you all so very much for all the prayers on our behalf. We hope to continue to learn as much as possible so that we can minister to those around us! Veilen Dank and Liebe Groβe-

P.S. If you see my daddy anytime soon, give him a big hug and a Happy Gebortstag from me. I love you Daddy and hope you have a great birthday.

P.S.S. Mom, you know you have to physically show this to him. We all know he hasn't been on a computer. ever. :)

1 comment:

Uncle Kyle said...

Congratulations! God is good! (Can I get a Middlefork response?)
We are continually praying for you guys. Please pray for us as God has led us to start a fellowship here. Also, I am preaching at Mifflin Baptist this Sunday, then at Huron Baptist Church both morning and evening the 11th and the 18th.
Praise the Lord!