Monday, July 13, 2009

The First Day of School and more!

Well, today I took LK to her very first day of GERMAN school!!  She was both excited and nervous to say the least.  But, her teacher had a "Herzliches Willkommen Lauren" on the front door so that made me feel good immediately!  Being a teacher myself, I was a little apprehensive about how the teacher would feel having a student come in during the last 2 weeks of school.  Sometimes that is stressful when all the teacher is trying to do is finish the year with the kids they already have.  But she was super nice and spoke some English.  She said she had lived in New York for a couple of years.  But I reassured her that we felt good about her only speaking in German to LK  unless absolutely necessary.  They only stay until lunch here, so I am anxious to get back and see how she did.
A few other things to be aware of:
**We are moving into our apartment today!! I am sooooo ready to get settled in a place I can call my own.  Be praying for Len as he moves all the furniture that he won't mess up his neck/back.
**Since we are leaving the Ferienwohnung (guesthouse) today, we will probably be without phone/internet for a few days.  So if you don't hear from me, don't worry!  I will be back (said in a Arnold Schwarzneggar voice :))
**We start language tutoring on Thursday!!  Pray that Len and I will pick it up as quickly as possible.
Well, I guess that is all I have for now.  Check back soon for more up and coming episodes of "A day in the life of those Crazy Phegley's".  (So I am not the most creative person you know. Sue me.  Or maybe not, seeing as how you wouldn't get much :))   Love to you all!


The Byrd's Nest said...

I am so excited she was able to go to school at least for two weeks...that is great!

Praying for your language and I know how you feel about unpacking;)

Uncle Kyle said...

I can't believe you won't have internet! We want to know what is going on with you guys. Let us know how Lauren Kiley did and send pics of your apartment as soon as you can.
Praise the Lord

Aunt Karan said...

Daddy said that it would take a while to get internet, etc set up. Can't wait for an update; hope Len didn't hurt himself. Love to all! God Bless.