We successfully completed our first week of "kindergarten" here in Germany. The kids really enjoy it, and they are learning more and more German every day. We only had one "problem" at school- Leonard wouldn't eat for the first couple of days. (I don't really consider that a "problem", but evidently the teachers did!) I tried to explain to them that he wasn't quite the most "daring" child when it comes to new foods, but they seemed to think that he should at least try everything. But by Friday, he was eating what ever they put in front of him. I think he even ate 2 bowls of kartoffeln (potato) soup!
LK finished one of the two weeks she will spend in the language camp. She enjoyed it because she met new people and went swimming, but I am not convinced they are "learning" like I thought they would have. But, she is hearing only german from the teachers and other kids, so I am sure she is learning more than I ever would! And, she is going to go to tutoring with us in a couple of weeks, so I know she will be good and ready for 2nd grade this fall.
This weekend we spent Saturday at a couple of the town festivals, or "vegetables" (that is what Abigail called them!) and then Sunday we had church here at home and went to the VogelPark- which means bird park. We did get to feed some birds and monkeys from our hands, so that was pretty cool!
I know that I asked for prayer for our first major Test that is coming up, but I wanted you all to know that they pushed it back a week. So it will now be on the 18/21 of September. Well, that about wraps up our week here. As always, thanks for all the prayers and much love to you all!